Cookiteer - Food Blog HTML Template

Getting Started

Thank you for purchasing Cookiteer. We ara always more than happy to help you with pre and post sales. If you have any question about the template, and if the documentation doesn't mention anything about it. Please message us at


Aside from bootstrap spacing utility classes, we provide 2 spacing classes for section seperation

Default spacing by adding class section to any element

Irregular spacing by adding class section-padding to any element (This is used incase you have elements with bottom margins)

Google Fonts

By default, Cookiteer uses Open Sans, MerriWeather and Merienda as the main fonts accross the whole template. You can change that by accessing the style.css file and changing the Font URL at the very start of the file. Simply go to Google fonts, select the font you like, and replace the link with the one we currently have in the style sheet.

Css Structure

                   =  Table of Contents
                   0. Keyframes
                   1. General
                   1.1. Typography
                   1.2. Section spacings
                   1.3. Forms
                   1.4. Buttons
                   1.5. Colors & Badges
                   1.6. Modals & Popups
                   1.7. Tables
                   1.8. Tabs
                   2. Header
                   3. Footer
                   4. Banner
                   4.1. Image Banner
                   4.2. Video Banner
                   4.3. Carousel Banner
                   5. Subheader
                   6. Shortcodes
                   6.0. Loaders
                   6.1. Categories
                   6.2. Call To Action
                   6.3. Products
                   6.4. Blog Posts
                   6.4.1. Sidebar
                   6.5. Newsletter
                   6.6 Instagram
                   6.7. Testimonials
                   6.8. Recipes
                   6.9. Info Box
                   7. Misc
                   8. Pages
                   8.1. Login & Register
                   8.2. Shop page
                   8.3. Product Details
                   8.4. Cart
                   8.5. Recipe Details
                   8.6. About Us
                   9. Responsive

To change your color scheme, we provided a primary-skin.css file which includes all the elements that's color can be changed. Replace the colors you need, and include this file after the main style.css sheet


The following are the libraries used by Cookiteer

  • Pixabay
  • Pexels
  • Flaticon
  • Fontawesome
  • Google Fonts
  • Bootstrap 4.3
  • jQuery
  • jquery Slim Scroll
  • Popper
  • Magnific Popup
  • Slick Sliders

Final Thanks

We thank you so much for using Cookiteer as your Food Blog template, we will be providing unlimited updates and constant support if you need it.