This article will go over updating premium plugins.

Some of our themes include premium plugins (Cooked Pro, Revolution Slider etc.).  Many of these plugins will ask you for a “license”.  You can ignore this as bundled plugins do not come with an additional license.  Due to Envato’s licensing rules, we can only issue updates for these plugins when we issue a theme update ( Please continue reading below for further information on the process of how these updates are given.

Update process:

  1. Install this plugin first:
  2. Download the latest theme files from ThemeForest under “My Downloads“. Unzip the download and you will find the latest version of the plugin under Theme_Package > Plugins
  3. Log into your WordPress site.
  4. Go to Plugins > Add New and click the Upload tab at the top of the page.
  5. Select the zip file with the new plugin version to install.
  6. Select “Yes” from the “Upgrade existing plugin?” option.
  7. Click “Install Now”.


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