This article will go over how you can allow users to post their own recipes.

To begin, make sure you have cooked pro active. By default once you import a demo, it should get installed and activated. Once you have that done, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a profile page and add the following shortcode to it  [cooked-profile]
  2. Head over to Recipes > Settings and navigate to the User Engagement tab. Enable user registration and assign your profile page.
  3. Head over to the next tab Recipe submission, and check the first switch where it says Enable recipe submission.
  4. Adding Submit Recipe button in the top header (Optional): To do that, head over to Cookiteer Options > Header > Top Header, and enable Show user Submit recipe buttton
  5. Adding user account button in the header (Optional): To do that, head over to Cookiteer Options > Header, and scroll down till you find the following option Show user account button, check this and you’re all set.